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Spilling red wine on your carpet is a sure way to ruin your day and most of us have done it at least once. Wine spills can leave the ugliest stains and completely spoil the ambiance of the room. But if you act quickly and effectively, a red wine spill doesn’t have to become a…

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Moving house is one of the most exciting things we can do but also one of the most stressful. Before all of the boxes are unpacked and the furniture moved in, you want to prepare your new house as much as possible. Although the previous owners should clean the house before they leave, it is…

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Ironing is a chore that not many of us enjoy doing and seems to never end. But with all of the modern appliances we have these days, the job is a lot easier than it used to be! Before the modern iron was invented, the task was not so simple. China The process of ironing…

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After the builders leave, the real work begins. Whether you are renovating your house or making small changers, builders dust is something that plagues all of our minds. It seems to get everywhere and can feel impossible to remove. Investing in a professional after builders cleaning service is a simple and efficient way to deal…

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When life for everyone in Europe was nasty, brutish and short, in the years before electricity, urban comforts and central heating, Spring came as a great relief. For long dark months the whole family had been cooped up in a small earth-floored, straw-roofed and windowless building. In the centre was a small fire reeking smoke…

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If you find yourself reading this article you could well be moving out soon and wondering about end of tenancy cleaning prices. There are lots of companies that specialise in end of tenancy cleaning but as we will see standards can vary a lot and price really does matter if you are to be sure you…

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Although cash in hand can seem like a neat, efficient way to pay your domestic cleaner, this method can have its downsides as well. It’s important to make sure you understand everything about paying cash in hand, including the negatives, the technical details and your responsibilities as an employer, before you decide if it is…

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As we begin a new year we think of new resolutions and new ambitions to pursue throughout the year. Whether its career goals, making more time for family or friends, every year we set out with the vision to be more successful in these areas. In the end, it’s up to us whether we want…

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