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The kitchen is at the heart of everyone’s home. For many it’s the place where people gather – for family meals, dinner parties, or a coffee and a chat with a friend or neighbour – and that’s not to mention all the family cooking that goes on every day! With people constantly coming and going it can…

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Anyone who watches the TV period drama series Downton Abbey will know that in times gone by a housekeeper was a woman of some power amongst the domestic staff that lived downstairs in the great houses of yesteryear. Nowadays there are fewer grand households like that depicted in Downton Abbey and it is only the super rich that need…

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The traditional besom had two uses, at least in the hands of a witch. She could use it to sweep the dirt floor of her hovel or she could fly on it over the mountains to meetings of her coven. It is difficult to imagine the besom’s more hi-tech and efficient successor, the vacuum cleaner,…

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The ostentatious limousine pulls up and out steps the starlet. As the cameras flash, she flashes her smile and diamonds and slowly walks towards the cinema for the premiere of her latest movie. Every inch of the way she is on show. This moment has taken hours of preparation, with her stylist, publicists and hairdressers…

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They say that cleanliness is next to godliness, and this is never more the case than in the office. Or at least, it should be – offices are busy, noisy, hot and potentially dirty places, and if you want to make sure things are as hygienic as possible it’s going to take a proactive nature…

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We all know how dirty and descaled bathrooms and showers can become, especially in hard water areas like London. Limescale, mould, and body fat can all build up over time and a daily wipe down of tiles and surfaces after a bath or shower isn’t enough. What is really needed is a deep clean by…

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Limescale is a huge problem when cleaning kitchens and bathrooms in London because it is a hard water area.  Lots of elbow grease and time can be needed to keep taps, tiles, and kettles sparkling and limescale free. If you want a quick and effective conventional cleaning solution there are many limescale removal products available…

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